
It is the process used to identify the correctness, completeness and quality of developed computer software. It checks for the

·      Specification

·      Functionality

·      Performance

Basic concept of testing



Defect / fault


Test case

Test orcale

Test bed


Error is a mistake on the part of a software developer. It is a human action that produces the incorrect result that produces a fault. 


a bug is an unexpected problem with hardware or software.The presence of error at the time of execution of the software.


State of software caused by an error. fault is the incorrect step due to the mistake of progam or the software behaves in an unintended maner.


It is systematic approach to test a system software the plan typically contains a detailed understanding of what the eventual testing workflow will be


Test case are the most important deliverable in a testing project. This is because it is the quality of the test case that help to improve the overall quality of the software. effective test cases will challenge the best of programmers, whereas ineffective test cases will let the simplest of defects pass through to production resulting in great loss or embracement for the product owner.

test case writing like an art, they are no specific methods for any given requirement and the methods used for a particular requirement may not be useful in another.

It is a specific procedure of testing a particular requirement. It will include

Identification of specific requirement used

Test case success / failure criteria

Specific steps to execute test

Test data


Software testing is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the software product under a test


A test oracle is a mechanism different from the program itself that can be used to check the correctness of the output of the program for the test cases.


The test execution environment configured for testing test bed consist of specific hardware, software, operating system network configuration, the product under test, other system software and application software