Bloom was an American educational psychologist who made contributions to the classification of educational objectives and to the theory of mastery learning.

It was born in US (21 Feb. 1913 to 12 Sep. 1999). revised taxonomy 2001.

Three domain in blooms taxonomy

  1. Cognitive domain
  2. Affective domain
  3. Psychomotor domain

Cognitive domain has been presented by Dr.b.s bloom(1956)

Affective domain presented by krathwohi (1964)

Psychomotor domain presented by harrow(1972) and Simpson (1966)

They are arranged from the lowest to the highest level of functioning

Cognitive domain

The cognitive domain represent the intellectual component of mental life.It is most important aspect with respect to education. 


It represent the lowest level of the objectives. It is belonging to the cognitive domain and primarily aims for the acquisition of the knowledge concerning


It is based upon knowledge. If there is non knowledge there will be no comprehension. It involves basic understanding of methods, facts principles or theories. Comprehension is highest level than the knowledge lowest level of understanding


The knowledge is useful only when it is applied. It involves both the earlier categories(knowledge and comprehension). The application of idea, concept principle or theory may be possible when grouped and understood properly


analysis is the highest level of cognitive ability. here an individual is required to analyze  a meaningful statement into its various components. pupils should be able to identify the concepts and the inter relationship in the statement.


It involves the knowledge, comprehension, application as well as analysis. Production of unique communication. It is complex ability at a higher level of cognition. It gives new shape or structure


The highest level of cognitive structure is the ability to evaluate or judge. it is also the most complex ability which involves all the other abilities. it enables a person to judge a material product or process against a standard and to establish the worth of it.

Affective domain

There is another important aspect of human nature which includes he interest, likes and dislikes, feelings, behavior and attitude etc. psychologist have tried to identify and arrange three qualities in a gradual manner like cognitive abilities. these qualities are classified under the category of affective domain.


The lowest level under the affective domain towards the development of attitude is receiving. i.e. the ability of an individual to receive information.

Attention of an individual is an indication that he/she is ready to receive information


Regularity in attention and motivation leads to responding. this ability is represented by interests. interest is tendency to respond to a particular object / situation.


The next level towards behavior formation is achieved when an individual is able to internalize the sense of worth and identification with it.

Individuals set guidelines for controlling their own behavior

Acceptance of a value, preference for a value and finally the commitment to a value are steps towards character building.


An individuals behavior or attitude is not ordinarily motivated by a single or isolated value.. A system of values form the complex behavior, represented by general behavior, a code of conduct.


It is the highest level of the character building of attitude formation of an individual. the values are imbibed and the individual has a consistent physiology of life.

Psychomotor domain


It is the lowest level of psycho - muscular activity. it starts an impulse and may grow into an overt act with the capacity to repeat the performance. this is also the first essential skill for training the students for practical and experimental exercises.


It is next higher level of motor coordination. it involves selecting a certain action in preference to others, following directions and acting accordingly. selection is important in manipulation.


Practices or repetition of performance will result in decreasing the faults in performance. precision is related with speed and refinement giving the learner the ability to control his / her action in response to the requirement.


On attaining the ability of articulation, individuals will be able to handle many actions is unison. the ability involves the coordination in action


Perfection in performance or in any action is the final level in psychomotor domain. on attaining perfection an individual requires minimum time for completing a perfect task his actions become mechanical and without any conscious thinking or planning