1. General Information

The general information regarding the subject, unit, less, class. estimated time and date should be provided

2.Identification of teaching points

The lesson carefully read. the major and sub concepts are identified to make teaching and learning easily. the teaching points are noted in an organized manner step by step.

3.Writing instructional objectives

General and specific instructional objectives should be  provided. these objectives reflect learning outcomes. so carefully thought should be given in writing instructional objectives.

4.Instructional aids

Use proper teaching aids to help the biology teacher to clarify structural and functional aspects of the topic. it helps to motivate pupils and learn effectively. teaching aids should be used skill fully in the appropriate time. instructional aids may be diagrams specimen's charts, 3d models etc.

5.Introduction of the lesson

  • Introduction of the lesson prepares the student for learning, during introduction, the teacher can
  • Review or test the previous knowledge of the students
  • Motivate the students for learning
  • Introduce new knowledge

The lesson may be introduced effectively by presenting a demonstration, using teaching aids, asking thought providing questions or relating a short briefly.

6.Development of the lesson

This is the body of the lesson. this is concerned with the development of the learning activities. this step is related to the content, teaching method, teaching aids and ability of the students

Content is the base on which learning activities are learned. so the teacher has to select teaching concepts and organize in order.


Recapitulation helps in recalling the lesson learned and to find out extend to which teaching is effective. recapitulation may be done through questioning of written exam.

8.Home assignment

Home assignment in learner to study and apply the acquired knowledge. home assignment includes diagrams. written materials, collection of related articles, maintaining album etc.

9.Lesson plan format

There are four column provided in the format lesson plan. 

  • The first column "content" includes original information about the topic
  • The second column "specification" the instructional objectives are written in the form of specification
  • The third column " learning experience" here the details regarding about the lesson taught. what is interaction between the teacher and the pupils?
  • The fourth column  " evaluation" column. here the questions  to be put after teaching each and every concept are written.