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what is mini lesson plan?

A modified concept of microteaching that was propounded by hargie in 1976. Here teaching skills are practiced in a controlled low risk environment.

Mini teaching provides a simple form of teaching situation and aims at gradual integration of skills besides aiming to fit the mini lesson in the real teaching program. feedback is its essential component.

Concept of mini lesson 

A mini lesson is a short lesson with a narrow focus that provides instruction in a skill or concept that students will then relate to a larger lesson that will follow. a mini lesson typically precedes reading workshop or writing workshop, but it can serve as an introduction to a social studies, science, or math lesson.

Mini lessons can be used to teach particular skills, extend previous learning, create interest in a topic and generate questions, or introduce strategies.

Importance of mini lesson

The mini lesson allows a teacher to convey a tip or strategy to students that they will use often.

Sharing tips and strategies in this way allows students to gain valuable, relevant skills on a regular basis without spending too much on drill and worksheets that might otherwise be used to teach the same skills.

The lessons can focus on any number of topics, including reading, writing, problem solving strategies and skills or even classroom procedures

Using authentic student work as a springboard, teacher -  created mini lessons can serve the needs of students by focusing on a single topic across multiple instructional levels.

Types of mini lesson

  1. Procedural
  2. Craft
  3. Conventions of writing
  4. Strategies for reading

Required components of mini lesson

  1. Focus
  2. Objectives
  3. Materials and resources
  4. Contact outline
  5. Activities and procedures
  6. Evaluation and assessment
  7. Bibliography

Guidelines  for teaching presentation

  1. Maximum of ten minutes
  2. Effective presentation of material
  3. Technology required
  4. Professional appearance

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