• Literal meaning of web is " a network of thread constructed by spider". in software engineering, the term web(world wide web) is a collection of computers connected by a network.
  • web is an indispensable and an evolving and transformative technology. it helps virtually in every aspect of modern living.
  • It changes the way of doing things and the way to acquire and disseminate information.
  • web helps us to place any information and documents in web in electronic formats and retrieve the same from web at late point of time from any part of the world.
  • known electronic formats in which we can store information are text file, graphics file, sound files and movie files.
  • web also helps to access other peoples information from web, thereby enhancing our knowledge. web has search facility to search and retrieve only the required information from web. web not only helps to store retrieve the information but also helps to place the whole application in the web which caters the users accessing the application through web.


how web application work?

web application has three layers namely presentation layer, application layer and logical layer. presentation layer consists of a basic browser runs HTML kind of pages. application layer does basic calculation and business logic, and it is called as logical layer. data layer consists of database and others storage devices. database software is used to access the database. 

Advantage of web application

  1. application can be accessed from anywhere in the world from any machine.
  2. only browser is needed at the client side to connect with the web application. no other special software is required at the client side.
  3. operation system (windows, Linux and mac) at the client side is not a bottleneck to access the application. any operating system will run the application.
  4. database and objects are running at the server end and so load at the client side is always low.
Disadvantage of web application

  1. security is the main drawback of any web application. without proper security, the web applications are prone to get hacked easily by hackers: we can practice ethical hacking, thereby finding all the possibilities of hacking the developed web application and addressing it through counter mechanism.
  2. data theft is possible easily in web application: we can ensure security engineering aspects are taken care of even from the beginning stage of the development, thereby avoiding data theft.
  3. Application also can be copied easily in the web: we need to follow the engineering principles and best practices to avoid this.