
Teaching is a complex process. The main objective of all these activities is to promote learning among pupils. teaching consists of a number of irrelated teaching skills which occur at different stages of teaching.

Teaching skill is that art of the teacher which makes communication between the teacher and pupils efficient


Microteaching is a training techniques in which a student teacher is requires to teach a single concept with a specified teaching skill on a small group of pupil in a short duration of time.

Microteaching is a practiced in terms of desired periodically

A.W.Dwight allen of the Stanford university first adopted the term microteaching in 1963

Thomas green has explained that learning is not possible without teaching but without learning teaching is not possible. among the different practices of teacher training, microteaching is an important technique, which imparts intensive training in the computer skills of teaching to the teacher trained. 

Characteristics of microteaching

  • Microteaching is a teaching training technique and not a teaching model.
  • Micro teaching is a cyclic process
  • In microteaching the teacher trainee practices one specific teaching skill at a time , till he/ she attains mastery over the skill
  • Microteaching is a real teaching, though the teaching situation is stimulated.
  • Microteaching operates on a predefined model: plan, teach, feedback, re-plan, re-feedback, re-plan etc..

The duration of the Indian model of microteaching as recommended by NCERT in 36minutes as follows

teaching session            :    6mins

feedback session           :    6mins

re-plan                           :    12mins

re-teach session             :    6mins

re-feedback sessions     :    6mins

total duration                :    36mins

Advantage of microteaching

  1. Microteaching allow for increased control of practice
  2. Microteaching lessons the complexities of normal classroom teaching
  3. Microteaching focuses on training for the accomplishment specific task
  4. Microteaching is real teaching although a teaching situation is constructed in which the student teacher and pupil work together in a practices situation.

Need of microteaching

Teachers can make their teaching more effective if they learn the components of teaching, because the entire teaching process is very complex.

The need of microteaching is to help the teachers to train themselves with self control and different skills like reinforcement, explaining and classroom management.

Reference video