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what is software coding?


software coding is the core aspect of software engineering that acts as a catalyst  for creating the software product.

conversion of detailed specification into the actual software code is called as coding

  1. It converts functional aspects into technical aspects using design
  2. It is performed by people called as coders or programmers
  3. The coding phase usually takes lesser time than the design phase
  4. Lots of sophisticated tools are available to write the code easily

Writing standardized code for software not only helps to maintain it properly once it is completely deployed into production but also helps to enhance the code easily at a later point of time. it also helps to identify and fix the bugs quickly and easily. so writing the proper working code alone is not enough, but focus should also be on writing a standard code

Writing a standard code also reduces the cost of development over a period of time. standard code helps to reuse the same code for some other similar purposes, thereby reducing the cost of development.

Programming principles

Computer programming is directly associated with writing a standard code. computer programming means writing a standard code, testing the written code, and debugging and maintaining the code.

Programming can be considered as both art and science 

Programming is a science as it needs to follow a set of engineering principles and guidelines. it is also being classified as art as there are lots of possibilities of using and innovative minds

Five general programming principles

Validity : the program must give the correct result which is valid

Consistency : The program must do repeatedly what it intends to do. the program should give the output consistency 

Maintainability: The program must be easily changeable and should have proper documentations

Readability: The program must be easily readable so that it is easily maintainable

Usability: The program must be usable for the specific purpose without any trouble.

Programming guidelines

Guideline means best practices. programming best practices includes programming practices, naming conventions, comments, and programming principles rule of thumb.

Programming guidelines will vary across the programming languages, but still there are general that can be  followed across the languages. writing a standardized code for software not only helps to maintain it properly once it is completely deployed into production but also helps to enhance the code easily at later point of time.

Key concepts in software coding

In the world of software development , coding is considered as the most critical part because at this stage the real software gets written. unless proper focus is maintained for keeping the standard of this stage high the software will break at the later stage, causing huge effort in fixing the defects called bugs.

Structural programming

structural programming was first suggested by corrado bohm and guiseppe facopini, who demonstrated that any computer program can be written with just three structures namely decisions, sequences and loops

It is subset of procedural programming. it is also called as modular programming. it represent the  usage of a logical structural on the program being written to make in more readable, efficient, reliable and easily maintained.

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